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Something about birds and their ability to fly inspires curious associations in our minds. Man has seen birds as the bearers of souls of the dead (if not the soul itself). They have become messengers, sent from on high to imbue wisdom, share the truth, and speak prophecy.


Some are virtuous, embodying power & nobility. Others are clever, mischievous tricksters. Many are associated with healing, possessing the ability to carry pain and sadness away. 

The bird becomes a vehicle. I observe them in the course of my day and they hijack my imagination. I am carried away on flashes of bright plumage engaged in aerial acrobatics. The tiny pilots barrel-roll into my senses. They make journeys: some which cover the long miles over the Earth; others traversing the distance between my brain, heart, and my hands; distances between realities.



Wood is ideal for mapping these journeys. Pragmatically, the bulk of the lumber I utilize is scrap material collected from job sites, cabinet shops, etc. There is something very satisfying about saving beautiful pieces of wood from the fire. In turn it seems to become a willing & forgiving partner in the processes of shaping.                        



- Ray Richardson

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